Tuesday 15 October 2013

Elocution lessons

This next post to help book your French vocabulary is about elocution.

In English we tend to think of elocution as being about how to speak posh or how to improve your pronunciation.

Since elocution ends in ~ion, it shouldn't therefore be a surprise that that it's the same word in French (élocution).

However  élocution in French has a slighter wider meaning which relates to the English word diction.

Again no surprise that the word diction ends in ~ion and is the same in English and French.

We can remove the "e" from elocution and we get the word locution.  The French word locution means phrase in a grammatical context whilst a saying type phrase would be an expression. We also use expression in English to say "that's a funny expression".

Finally if we change the ending on locution we can turn it into locuteur which is a speaker (someone speaking) or an orateur since if someone speaks it's oral.

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